Federal E-Market Analysis Outline

ECSI's Federal E-Market Analysis is designed to provide Federal schedule holders with a comprehensive analysis of their position within the Federal E-Marketplace.  Our detailed report assists vendors in increasing their web presence and maximizing their participation in Federal electronic shopping sites including GSA Advantage!.  Each report is completely customized to the client, using actual data gathered through our extensive research. 

The below outline provides an overview of the type of information that is contained in each report.

I. Introduction and overview of Federal E-Marketplace atmosphere.

II. Comprehensive review and analysis of client's web site.

a. Review of each individual page of site, to include critique and concrete suggestions for improvement with the Federal buyer in mind.

III. Overall analysis of client's schedule class.

a. Actual numbers of schedule holders in your class.
b. Percentage of schedule holders in your class that are participating in GSA Advantage!.
c. Sales figures for most recent fiscal year and analysis of client's position.

IV. Analysis of client's participation in GSA Advantage!

a. If client is currently participating in GSA Advantage! our report will critique their presence at Advantage! and provide feedback and suggestions for improving their data.
b. If client is not participating in Advantage!, our report will provide suggestions for ways to maximize schedule data in anticipation of participation. 

V. Comparative analysis of client's five primary competitors.

a. Review of competitors' Federal web presence.
b. Information and critique of primary competitors' sales through GSA for most recent fiscal year. 

VI. Keys to Success.

a. Detailed examples of ways to maximize client's Federal web presence.
b. Information about what appeals to the Federal buyer.
c. Suggestions for participation in specific government programs that may enhance client's position in the Federal sales arena.
d. Information on other Federal electronic purchasing programs beside Advantage! that may be beneficial to client. 
VII. Attachments.
a. GSA sales information for client for most recent two fiscal years broken down by quarter.
b. GSA sales information for schedule class for most recent fiscal year.
c. GSA sales information for client's five primary competitors for most recent fiscal year broken down by quarter.